Toledotastic: Conventions

Monday, July 11, 2005



Looking for something to do this week? Try a convention. From the Blade:

  • July 11-16 - American Kinesiotherapy Association, Radisson Hotel, 125, national.
  • July 12-15 - Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police, Wyndham Hotel, 225, state.
  • July 14-17 - AABC State Baseball Tournament, various sites, 1,000, state.
  • July 14-17 - Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, Radisson Hotel, 7,500, regional.
  • July 15-17 - Black Swamp Air Force/North Coast Stunt Kite Games, various sites, 400, regional.
  • July 15-17 - Grand Council of Royal and Selected Masons of Ohio, Holiday Inn French Quarter, 75, state.

In other words, going out and about this week you risk being arrested by a bored cop, converted by a Jehovah's Witness or hit in the head by a stray kite or baseball, with only a kinesiotherapist to give you aid. Worse yet I've heard that the Jehovah's Witnesses will be convening in Toledo throughout the summer (they were last here about a month ago). The streets of Toledo are relatively safed but if these people approach you, don't say you weren't warned.

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