Toledotastic: George W. Bush, Tom Noe and 'Coingate'

Friday, June 10, 2005


George W. Bush, Tom Noe and 'Coingate'

It seems that our nation's president was in Ohio yesterday. Given the current scandal he was inevitably greeted by protesters. You can read the Blade article here.

My question: We should all recall that Bush said he'd give the $4000 which he got from Tom Noe to charity. If these (DUH) are my tax dollars, shouldn't Bush give the money to the state of Ohio? I'm not comfortable with a scenario wherein Noe steals Ohio government money, Noe gives stolen money to Bush, Bush gives money to charity. Not only do I think that the only fair option is that Bush should give the money to Ohio. I also worry about what kind of charity Bush will give it to. He could basically be handing over my tax dollars to nutty fundamentalist abortion clinic bombers.

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